Industry and Trade | Novaon Tech’s 7 digital platforms won the Best Solution Awards 2021
Novaon Tech’s seven digital platforms have excellently won the prestigious Best Solution Awards 2021 (BSA 2021).
Novaon Tech’s seven digital platforms won the Best Solution Awards 2021 because of their high applicability, great practical applicability, and interest from the community after going through selection rounds with more than 200 registered platforms. as well as rigorous evaluation criteria from the business community and the Appraisal Council; compete with big units such as Ladipage, GOSELL, Insider CDxP,…

Novaon Tech’s digital platforms, which won the Best Solution Awards 2021, will help businesses solve the problem of customer resources with OnMarketer, OnCaller, and OnCustomer; e-commerce solutions with NovaonX and OnShop; and optimize operational management with OnSign and OnCRM. This is an affirmation of the capacity, value, and effectiveness that Novaon Tech’s digital platforms have brought to more than 95,000 customers over the past 16 years.
“Novaon Tech’s diverse digital platform ecosystem with platforms such as OnCustomer, OnMarketer, etc. has fully met the digital transformation needs of my business. The applicability and flexibility in providing solutions are two points that I am especially impressed with from the Novaon Tech team”, shared Thien Hoa Electronics, a customer of Novaon Tech.